Dedicated sites or posts offering Ukagaka/Ghosts (little desktop doodads you can interact with) for free download, or information about Ukagaka/Ghosts in general.
A community of sites around a common topic, also known as a webring. Each member includes a badge on their site that links to the previous and next sites in the ring. Kids in the 90s used to love it!
How to join
To join the webring, open a pull request and supply the name and URL of your site. If you publish a RSS feed, you can provide that as well.
If you don't have a Github account, you can also use this form to sign up. The webring admins will then look at your site and handle your request.
Add the banner
Once you've joined the ring, copy this code snippet into your site:
<webring-banner> <p>Member of the <ahref="">Ukagaka/Ghost Development and Download</a> webring</p>
If the post or page you have for your ghost won't support the banner (or if you don't like how it looks), you can do a simpler set of links:
<palign="center">👻<i>Member of the <ahref=""target="_new">Ukagaka/Ghost Development and Download</a> webring</i>👻</p> <palign="center">👻<ahref="">Random</a>👻</p> <scriptasyncsrc=""charset="utf-8"></script>
You can of course adjust this html snip any way you like to better suit your ghost's page! The key things are the link to the ring itself and the random link.
Want to host your own webring?
If you want to start your own webring, fork this project on Github and follow the instructions in the README.